Ioana Platon, an Empowered Woman empowering Women

Centered on our core value of giving back to the community, Comcast constantly researches organizations and causes that match our skills and passion with the needs of the communities we live in and serve.
Perhaps no more excellent fit could surface than the YWCA and Comcast External Affairs Specialist, Ioana Platon. For the past three years, Ioana has served on YWCA’s Young Women Council, an active group of young women volunteers who participate in service and advocacy.
Essentially, council members are alumni who have successfully completed the year-long professional leadership development program, YWEmpowered, and willingly volunteer to help other women along the path.
“The YWEmpowered program was one of the most effective training programs I have participated in,” said Ioana. “For an entire year, we focused on developing personal leadership skills to build confidence and identify multiple ways to be inclusive leaders at work, home, and in the community.
“After accomplishing that, I felt a strong desire to help the many talented women who were taking those same steps. Because they have so much to offer, and the world will be a better place with them in it, I jumped at the chance to share my learning.”
Oprah Winfrey’s statement, “Surround yourself only with people who are going to take you higher,” has direct application to Ioana’s work with the YWCA.
“Ioana worked with us on implementing Comcast’s Lift Zone in our affordable apartments, which serve single parents with children,” said Pamela Carlston, Chief Development Officer at YWCA Utah. “She helped us navigate the grant process with Comcast, and she was a superhero in working with Comcast’s creative services team and us to create videos to support our virtual StrongerTogether event.”
One of Ioana’s areas of focus is advancing the well-being of Utah women through safety, opportunity, and advocacy.
“The StrongerTogether video series was a huge ask for us,” said Carlston. “This was a series of videos highlighting the work within our programs to share with our community and help us raise much-needed funds.”
Emphasizing the key leadership quality of decision-making, Melinda Gates said, “When women have the power to make choices, they invest in the long-term human capital of their families,” which is the noblest of all investments.
“When we can strengthen a woman’s decision-making power to forward good causes, that single act helps an entire community,” Ioana said. “And it’s one reason we focus on safety from situations of violence, the opportunity for working mothers to afford quality childcare, and to use their voices for good on issues that are so very important for the well-being of women and girls in Utah.
“The genius behind the YWCA’s programs is they help women make incredible achievements through experiences requiring strong decision-making and follow-through.
“We know everyone has individual strengths and skills. By joining together, we can help more women from a great variety of backgrounds continue to excel. What could be better?”
As Comcast works to further connect people to what’s essential in their lives, YWCA continues to make meaningful changes to improve girls’ and womens’ lives.
“We look for leaders who are committed to our mission of eliminating racism and empowering women, and Ioana exemplifies that,” said Carlston.
Ioana is a shining example of Winston Churchill’s saying, “You make a living out of what you get. You make a life out of what you give.”
“I’ve been so fortunate in my life and career that I’ve learned how rewarding it is to give back,” said Ioana. “There’s nothing quite like making a difference in the lives of others. Yet, through it all, I feel like I’m the one who has gained the most.”
Most of all, Comcast applauds Ioana Platon and the difference she is making as she volunteers her time and talent to benefit others. It represents the thousands of Comcast employees who are ambassadors for good and leaders in every realm across our country.