Join us for Comcast Cares Day on Saturday, April 30

If you’re looking for the perfect opportunity to get involved and give back to your community, consider participating in Comcast Cares Day. Comcast Cares Day is the nation’s largest single-day corporate volunteer effort with Comcast employees, community partners and non-profits, friends, and our families all join together to clean, rejuvenate and beautify the projects around Utah. In 2015, 7,500-plus volunteers made change happen by participating in 11 different projects throughout Utah.

This year, Comcast Cares Day will take place on Saturday, April 30. The day will begin with sign-in and breakfast at 7:00 AM and conclude with lunch by 1:00 PM. Sign up online at or view individual projects and links below.

Highland High School is turning 60 years old later this school year. On Saturday, April 30, 2016 volunteers will help prepare the school for the anniversary celebration by cleaning, landscaping, painting and more. To register for this project click the following link.

Glendale Community Learning Center will host approximately 600 volunteers to help complete service projects around the campus and at neighboring Glendale Middle School. A digital literacy training will also take place at the school, where community members are welcome to learn more about broadband technologies. To register for this project click the following link.

Ogden City is hosting its’ second annual Comcast Cares Day. Volunteers will be trimming trees and bushes, picking up trash, pulling weeds and spreading mulch along the parkway trail and riverbanks. To register for this project click the following link.

Smithfield City projects will be located throughout the city. Projects include: Skyview High School, Birch Creek, Summit, and Sunrise Elementary Schools. To register for this project click the following link.

Cottonwood High School will enlist the help of over 800 volunteers to help beautify the interior and exterior of the school. Projects completed on Cares Day will complement the summer renovation project and help to transform the school into a place that students for years to come will enjoy. To register for this project click the following link.

Bacchus Elementary School’s 500 volunteers complete various beautification projects around the Bacchus school campus. To register for this project click the following link.

Terra Linda Elementary School invites volunteers to help give the school get a very much needed makeover. Volunteers will help by deep cleaning the entire school as well as rejuvenating the playground, repainting the giant map of the United States and planting a new community garden. To register for this project click the following link.

Welby Elementary School welcomes volunteers to participate in several beautification projects in and around the school campus. To register for this project click the following link.

Provo City: To make sure students have the best learning environment possible, Provo High School is partnering with Comcast for Comcast Cares Day to give the school a much needed deep clean.  To register for a Provo project, click on one of the following links.

  • Provo High School
  • Timpview High School
  • Walden School

The Road Home volunteers will help by homeless residents by cleaning and improving Palmer Court subsidized apartments, sorting donated supplies and beautifying both the interior and exterior of the building. To register for this project click the following link.

West Jordan City invites over 800 volunteers will gather to help get the arena ready for the season. Volunteers will help with putting a fresh coat of paint on the arena, marking arena seats with numbers, spreading fresh dirt, planting over 200 trees, pulling weeds, cleaning up flower beds, adding bark mulch and much more. To register for this project click the following link.

Alta High School To make sure students have the best learning environment possible, Alta High School is partnering with Comcast for Comcast Cares Day to give the school a much needed deep clean.  To register for this project click the following link.

Register online today!

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