EXCLUSIVE: Xfinity On Demand presents 2nd annual NFL Honors shows

Xfinity TV has all you need to get psyched for the big game this Sunday. The night before on Saturday, February 2nd, we’re bringing you complete coverage of Super Bowl Saturday Night..
From 8-9 p.m. ET, you’ll get the red carpet show on the NFL Network, priming your palette for the 2nd annual NFL Honors show from 9-11 p.m. ET to air on CBS. The event will also be available exclusively Xfinity On Demand.
The red carpet show will include NFL Network interviews with NFL players, coaches and sports legends on the Xfinity Couch. Afterwards, tune in to the NFL Honors show: a star-studded two-hour primetime awards special that salutes the NFL’s best players, performances and plays from the 2012 season, live with host Alec Baldwin.
And that’s not all! Xfinity TV and the NFL Network have compiled 30 minute recaps of every Super Bowl, including the famous 49ers Super Bowl XXIII where Jerry Rice caught 11 passes for 215 yards, winning 20-16 against Cincinnati in 1989. Check it all out on Xfinity On Demand at Top Picks > Superbowl Highlights
“Sports fans can look back at every Super Bowl, watch exclusive interviews with the top NFL talent and get insights from coaches and players who make watching the games so great,” Comcast Cable’s Director of Sports Marketing Matthew Lederer says.
Xfinity On Demand is also presenting the series America’s Game, featuring the stories behind all of the Super Bowl champions with key members of the winning teams telling accounts from their championship season. The series also includes Super Bowl highlights from NFL Films showcasing special retellings of each previous Super Bowl featuring slow motion cinematic shots, sideline sounds and players and coaches wired-for-sound.
And finally, what you’ve been waiting for: Super Bowl commercials. Xfinity TV will make this year’s commercials available online here shortly after they air on live TV, along with past Super Bowl commercials.
CATCH everything (pun intended) here: Xfinity.com/superbowl