Celebrate Black History Month with new site from Xfinity

Black entertainment has been on an amazing journey throughout the years. If you love movies like Ali, The Help, and The Color Purple, you have to switch browser tabs over to Comcast’s beautiful new site created expressly for Black entertainment.
The inspiring site is filled with award-winning movies in its Black Cinema Collection, TV shows, celebrity interviews with groundbreaking and upcoming actors and directors, behind-the-scenes footage, and the freshest entertainment news.
Some must-watch videos are also included, like “Meet the Press,” where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was filmed as he spoke to the media about sit-ins.
And if you’re not a subscriber, don’t fret! You have access to explore a range of sweet options. However, if you’re an Xfinity subscriber, you will have exclusive access to content on Xfinity On Demand and other services.
Here’s the link: xfinity.com/celebrateblacktv.